C r e a t i v e J o u r n a l i n g

Today I wanted to share with you a few of my journal entries that I have done. If you would like to see most of my journaling you can find me on *Pinterest* at Charlotte Davis; I have a separate board called "My journaling". Recently, when I went up to Indianapolis, I met two girls who were amazing journalists. They inspired very much. I decided to try it out for myself. I found out that I enjoy it very much! Here are a few of them. 

I also started my own separate notebook just for the purpose of creating artsy journaling , and since I have tons of spare journals it works! This was the first thing I wrote in it. I found the idea on *Pinterest*!

This shows you the supplies I use, which is a black pen, colored pens, and some washi tape which adds beautiful embellishment when I want that effect.

This one is one of my favorites! I especially like the cute little flags I drew up in the corners. I didn't get this idea from *Pinterest*, I actually picked a verse out of the bible and took my own ideas for decorations, the same for the other verse up above.


  1. I am not as good as you, but I enjoy doing the same thing! I do it on some old poster things that my brother Gabriel used to use.


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