Summer Days

Summer days are some of the most enjoyable days of the year. Especially when you have time to take a minute to savor every moment. One of my favorite things to do is write in my journal and share my thoughts to my journal. I love to look back at my journal and see all the things from many years ago and see what I have written down. I also love to read the Bible and do my Bible study. The Bible is the best book that you could ever read.

George is also always there to join me in the pleasant moments in the day!

Another activity I like to do on summer days is take polaroid pictures. This polaroid camera is actually not my own, but I share it with my family. The pictures their are mostly of my friend Laura and me, but of course, my cats Serena and George too. Be prepared for their will most likely be many pictures of the cats on my blog.


  1. I love to write in my journal and read my Bible also. Whenever I look at the beginning of my journal I am always amazed at how horrific my hand writing was.


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